
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Uncle Jesse is not perfect

Wow, this is simultaneously the grossest and funniest talk show appearance I've ever seen. Belly buttons, in general, are gross. As this clip illustrates, John Stamos has, hands down, the World's Weirdest Belly Button, yet Conan and Tom Selleck don't exactly have any bragging rights either. Their reactions to the Stamos hole are priceless. Selleck is probably huddled in the fetal position under a table somewhere right now, clutching his rifle.

Someone's had his Chic-lets whitened recently too.


At 5/20/2007 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Mr. Squirrel viewed that, he would, no joke, vomit. Especially when Tom fished around in his belly button. As for John's...um, besides it being a NOSE, didn't it seem like 1/2 way up his torso? YOWZERS.

At 8/06/2007 8:59 PM, Blogger Isabel said...

Just here to wish you a very Happy Birthday!! I do whatever Mrs. Squirrel tells me to do!!

Hope it was a good one!


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