
Friday, August 18, 2006

Well played, Dixie Chicks

Although I missed the start of this brilliance by ONE DAY, I have to give the Dixie Chicks a hearty round of applause/2 thumbs up/loud whistles/kudos/snaps all around for their recent opening act selections.

First up, Bob Schneider. While his stint started A DAY after I saw the Chicks in Albany (bygones), I'm still happy for Bob since he probably made a bunch more fans (squeal like schoolgirls, ahem). He is equal parts funny, thoughtful, naughty, and yummy. I call him Dirty Hot. Dig it.

Come to find out this gentleman has been added to the bill on their Australian tour leg. Pete Yorn - another stallion in the stable of "dudes who play guitar" I seem to favor. And a little Dirty Hot as well.

For the record, if I was in a successful all-girl band, I would be doing exactly this. One of those ladies (I think it's Natalie) has a keen sense of smell when sniffing out under-appreciated effin rockstars. In my band, however, there would be initiation rites. Maybe something involving Pete like this?

Just spitballing here.

They seem to be doing just fine without me but if I may just throw Rhett Miller's name in the ring...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Flock of Seagulls


How come the 2 local Targets I visit -- in LANDLOCKED Minnesota, no less -- always have seagulls swirling overhead? Are they suckers for the Mizrahi fashions or the clean up crew for messy Target patrons? Nevermind. That one kinda answered itself after I flashed back to the crowd entering and exiting.

But still, it confounds. I realize this is the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Lakes are water. I get it. However, doesn't their name imply their preference or necessity for the sea and salty waters?

Let's hope I don't stay awake pondering this one all night.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Walk This Way - Summit Ave. Edition

Attention all walkers, stroller pushers, dog walkers, roving packs of lolly-gagging teenagers, etc:

Rule #1 - Pay attention to your surroundings. If you had been, you'd know that some people are trying to exercise and you're in their way.

Rule #2 - Share the ample sidewalk. Don't walk 4 abreast and force me to bust an ankle going hither and yonder to get around you. (See Rule #1.)

Rule #3 - Don't gasp at my sweatiness. Yes, I'm a woman and it's like a jungle out here so I'm sweating. Get over it.

Rule #4 - You on the bike? On the sidewalk? Step off. I believe that's a moving vehicle and those belong in the street.

Rule #5 - If you have a four-legged friend with you, please don't let it jump on me or at me or cross my path in any way. I'd hate to punt it a la Baxter in Anchorman.

Many thanks,

Monday, August 07, 2006

Don't you know I'm loco?


I just found buried in my cable's On Demand section a karaoke option. And what do I choose to christen it? Insane in the Brain! No, see - it's the song. Not me! Even insaner? Me whispering the lyrics while I try to follow along because my windows are open and the Smoker is standing outside.