
Monday, September 03, 2007

Nature 3, Me 0

Three days ago, I kicked a bird. A tiny little chickadee. I totally didn't mean it, I didn't look down soon enough and I kind of just thought it was a rolling leaf. Truth be told, he hopped into my stride and I gently booted him into the air. He squawked a little and then flew up into the tree so I'm assuming he was a little spooked but generally OK and didn't suffer any internal bleeding.

Ever since then, nature has proven to me that it's pissed and inacting its revenge on me. The next day, I got stung by a bee - only the second one in my life. They don't call it a sting for nuthin'. Last night, it was attack of the mosquitos and/or spiders IN MY BED. I lost hours of sleep and woke up with no less than 10 separate bites that look redder and crustier than mosquito bites. Ah ga-ross. Today, last day of summer, I head up north to a cabin to enjoy a lovely day on the lake. It's cold and completely cloudy the whole time we're there. All we do is go out to lunch and turn around and come back TO AWESOME BLUE SKY.

Seriously, have I paid my penance yet?


At 9/24/2007 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you have bedbugs or cockroaches or somethin'. Nasty. I ain't coming to visit that shit.

Clean up your act and quit hurting nature, and maybe I'll come visit you again.


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