
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Walk This Way - Summit Ave. Edition

Attention all walkers, stroller pushers, dog walkers, roving packs of lolly-gagging teenagers, etc:

Rule #1 - Pay attention to your surroundings. If you had been, you'd know that some people are trying to exercise and you're in their way.

Rule #2 - Share the ample sidewalk. Don't walk 4 abreast and force me to bust an ankle going hither and yonder to get around you. (See Rule #1.)

Rule #3 - Don't gasp at my sweatiness. Yes, I'm a woman and it's like a jungle out here so I'm sweating. Get over it.

Rule #4 - You on the bike? On the sidewalk? Step off. I believe that's a moving vehicle and those belong in the street.

Rule #5 - If you have a four-legged friend with you, please don't let it jump on me or at me or cross my path in any way. I'd hate to punt it a la Baxter in Anchorman.

Many thanks,


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